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Industrial Automation Abbreviation Dictionary


ABAllen Bradley or Rockwell
(It is one of the types of PLC Brand)
ABBAsea Brown Boveri
(It is one of the types of PLC Brand)
ABSAbsolute Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
ACAlternating Current
ACCAccumulate or Accumulator
ACSArc Cosine Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
ADDAddition Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
AFDAdjustable Frequency Drive
AIAnalog Input
AICActive Infeed Converter
AFEActive Front End
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOAnalog Output
APIApplication Programming Interface
APSAuxiliary Power Supply
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
ASAuto Start
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASDAdjustable speed drive
AS-IActuator Sensor Interface
ASICsApplication-Specific Integrated Circuits
ASNArc Sine Instruction
(It is one of the types of the mathematical Instruction of PLC)
ATNArc Tangent Instruction
(It is one of the types of the mathematical Instruction of PLC)
AUIAttachment Unit Interface
BCDBinary to Decimal Code (Calculator)
BHIBase Hardware Information
BNCBayonet Nut Connector
BOOTPBootstrap Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
BSAPBristol Standard Asynchrouns Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
BSLBit Shift Left
BSRBit Shift Right
(It is one of the types of the mathematical Instruction of PLC)
CANController-area Network
(It is one of the types of the protocol)
CCWConnected Component Work
CDCChange Data Capture
CECounting Enabled
CFCContinuous Function Chart
CIMComputer Integrated Manufacturing
CIPCommon Industrial Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
CIPControl and Information Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection
CJConditional Jump Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
CMPComparator Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
CMRRCommon-Mode Rejection Ratio
CNCComputer Numerical Control
COB Communication Object
COMComponent Object Model/ Common (Based on the Usage)
COPCopy Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
COSCosine Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming mathematical instruction)
COTS Commercial Off the Shelf 
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CCUp Counter or Counter Coil
(It is one of the types of counter instruction)
CSControl System or Communications Status
CSCConvertible Static Compensatory
CSICurrent Source Inverter
CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect
CTCurrent Transformer
CTDDown Counter Instruction
(It is one of the types of counter instruction)
CTUUp Counter Instruction
(It is one of the types of counter instruction)
CTUDCount Up/Down Instruction
(It is one of the types of counter instruction)
CVCurrent Value
DBData Block
DCDirect Current
DCOMDistributed Component Object Model
DCSDistributed Control System
DSDecelerating Status
DDCDirect Digital Control 
DECDigital Equipment Corporation
DECDigital Equipment Corporation
DEGDegree Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
DHData Highway
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIDigital Input
DIODiscrete Input/Output
DIPDual In-line Package
DIVDivision Instruction
(It is one of the types of mathematical PLC instruction)
DIXDigital Equipment Corp., Intel, and Xerox
DLLDynamic Link Library
DLSData Log Status
DMSDatabase Management System
DNDone Bit
DNP3Distributed Network Protocol 3
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
DNSDomain Name Server
DODigital Output
DOLDirect on Line Starter
DOSDenial of Service
DOSDisk Operating System
DPDecentralized Peripherals
DTCDirect Torque Control
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
ECMEnterprise Contact Management
EDError Detected
EDSElectronic Data Sheet
EIIEvent Input Interrupt
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EDMElectrical Discharge Machining
EGDEthernet Global Data
EIAElectric Industries Alliance
ELCBEarth-Leakage Circuit Breaker
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
EMPElectromagnetic Pulse
ENEnable Bit
EPCElectrical Power Control
EPICSExperimental Physics and Industrial Control System 
EQUEqual to Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC comparator instruction)
ERError Code
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
ESEthernet Status
ESDElectrostatic Sensitive Devices
FBFunction Block
FBDFunction Block Diagram
FCSFuzzy Control System
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
FEFunction Enabled
FINSFactory Interface Network Service Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
FLLFill File Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
FOCField Oriented Control 
FOIRLFiber Optic Inter Repeater Link
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
GEGeneral Electric
(It is one of the types of PLC Brand)
GEQGreater than or Equal to Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC comparator instruction)
GETGreater than Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC comparator instruction)
GMGeneral Motor
GMII Gigabit Media-Independent Interface
GPIOGeneral Purpose Input/Output
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GUIGraphical User Interfaces
HARTHighway Addressable Remote Transducer Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
HMI Human Machine Interface
HP or hpHorse Power
HPIHigh Preset Interrupt
HPMHigh Preset Mask
HPRHigh Preset Reached
HSCHigh-Speed Counter
HSLHigh-Speed Counter Load
HSSDC High Speed Serial Data Connector
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
HVHigh Voltage
HVAC Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning
IInput/Integer (Based on the usage)
IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICIntegrated Chip
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
ICSIndustrial Control System
IDBInstance Data Block
IDC Industrial Development Corporation
IECInternational Electrical Commission
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IFMIntegrated Function Module
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
IIOTIndustrial Internet of Things
ILInstruction List
IMInterface Module
IOSI/O Status
IPInternet Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
IPVInternet Protocol Version
ISIdle Status
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture/ International Society of Automation
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISUIGBT Supply Unit
JMPJump Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
JMPNJump Not Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
JSRJump to Subroutine Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LLine/Low (based on the usage)
LANLocal Area Network
LBLLable Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LCILoad Commutated Inverter
LCULoad Control Unit
LD or LADLadder Diagram
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming languages)
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LETLesser than Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LEQLess than or Equal to Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LIMLimit Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LLCLogical Link Control
LPILow Preset Interrupt
LPRLow Preset Reached
LQFPLow- Profile Quad Flat Package
LNNatural Log Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LOGLog to Base 10 Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
LSBLeast Significant Bit
LVLow Voltage
MACMedia Access Control
MAUMedia Attachment Unit
MCCycloconverter or Matrix Converter
MCBMiniature Circuit Breaker
MCCBMolded Case Circuit Breaker
MCRMaster Control Relay
MCRAMaster Control Relay Activate
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MCRDMaster Control Relay Deactivate
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MCR<Master Control Relay Less
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MCR>Master Control Relay Greater
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MCSMaster Control set Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MESManufacturing Execution System
MIB Management Information Base
MIIMedia Independent Interface
MMFMultimode Fiber
MMIMemory Module Information
MOVMetal Oxide Varistor/Move
(MOV is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
MPCMechanical Power Control
MPIMulti-Point Interface
(It is one of the types of the communication protocol)
MSBMost Significant Bit
MULMultiplication Instruction
(It is one of the types of the PLC programming instruction)
MVMedium Voltage
NNegative/Neutral/Node (based on the usage)
NACNavy Automation Controller
NCNormally Closed
NCS Network Computing System
NEMANational Electrical Manufacturer Associations
NERCNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation 
NFSNetwork File System
NICNetwork Interface Card
NONormally Open
NOTNot or Inversion or Inverter
(It is the one of the types of the logic gates)
NPN Negative-Positive-Negative
NRTNear Real-Time
NRZ Non-Return to Zero
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
NVTNetwork Viral Terminal
OBOrganisation Block
ODT or (S_ODT)On Delay Timer
(It is one of the types of the timer instruction)
ODTS or (S_ODTS)On Delay Extended Timer
(It is one of the types of the timer instruction)
ODVAOpen Device Net Vendors Association
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OFIOverflow Interrupt
OffDT or (S_OffDT)Off Delay Timer
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
OLROverload Relay
OMACOpen Modular Architecture Controls
OMBOutput Mask Bits
OPCOLE for Process Control
OPC-UAOpen Platform Communications Unified Architecture
OSOperating System
OSGPOpen Smart Grid Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
OSFOne Shoot Fallng Instruction
OSROne Shoot Rising Instruction
PPositive/Pneumatic (Based on the Usage)
PACProgrammable Automation Controller 
PADPortable Application Description
PAMPlant Asset Management
PASProcess Automation System
PARCPalo Alto Research Center
PBPress Button or Push Button
PCPersonal Computer
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCNProcess Control Network
PDPowered Device
PDO Process Data Object
PFNProgram File Number
PHY Physical Layer
PID Proportional Integral Derivative
PINGPacket Internet Grope
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
PLRProgrammable Logic Relay
PLSProgrammable Limit Switch
PMPeripheral Module
PMProgrammer Monitor
PoEPower over Ethernet
PPIPoint to Point
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
P2PPeer to Peer
PROFIBUSProcess Field Bus
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
PSPower Supply
PSEPower Sourcing Equipment
PSxT or (S_PSxT)Pulse Extended Timer
PTPotential Transformer
PTOProfinet Trade Organization or Pulse Train Output
PVPreset Value
PVCPolyvinyl Chloride
PWMPulse-width Modulation
QCS Quality Control System
RReset/Rack (Based on the usage)
RACReset Accumulated Value
RADRadian Instruction
RAM Random Access Memory
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
RCReset Counter
RFID Radio-Frequency Identification
RH Relative Humidity
RIRouting Information
RJ Registered Jack
RMON Remote Monitoring
ROM Read-Only Memory
RPRamp Profile
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPMReal-Time Performance Management
RQReset Coil
RSRecommended Standard/Reset Set (Fil-flop)/ Run Status (Based on the usage)
RT Real-Time or Timer Reset
RTCReal-Time Clock
RTDResistance Temperature Detector
RTORetentive Timer On
RTOS Real-Time Operating System
RTPSReal-Time Publish/Subscribe
RTURemote Terminal Unit
RZ Return to Zero
SSet/Status (Based on the usage)
SAE System Architecture Evolution
SBRSubroutine Instruction
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCPScale with Parameter
SCRSilicon Controlled Rectifier
SDBShared Data Block
SDO Service Data Object
SDSPSmart Distributed System Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
SFBSystem Function Block
SFC Sequential Function Chart
SINSine Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SISSafety Instrumented System
SLC Smart Link Communication
SMSignal Module
SMPSSwitch Mode Power Supply
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SNMP Simple Networking Management Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
SPSet Parameters
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
SQSet Coil
SQCSequencer Compare Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SQISequencer Input Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SQLSequencer Load Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SQOSequencer Output Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SQRTSquare Root Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SRSet Reset (Fil-flop)
SRTPService Request Transport Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
SSSelector Switch
SSID Service Set Identifier
SSL Server-Side Language
SSRSolid State Relay
ST Structured Text or String
STEPSiemens Technical Education Program
STISelectable Time Interrupt
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
SUBSubtraction Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SUSSuspend Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
SVPWM Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation
TTrigger/Timer (Based on usage)
(Timer is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
TANTangent Instruction
(It is one of the types of PLC programming instruction)
TCI Tag Control Info
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
TIATotally Integrated Automation
THDTotal Harmonic Distortion
TLS Transport Layer Security
TNDTemporary End Instruction
TONOn Delay Timer
TOFFOff Delay Timer
TOS Type of Service
TPRTime Pulse Repeat
TRIACTriode for Alternating Current
TTTimer Timing Bit or Timer Trigger
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic/Time to Live (Based on the Usage)
TVTime Variable
Tx Transmit-Out
UCMM Unconnected Message Manger
UDP User Datagram Protocol
(It is one of the types of communication protocol)
UFIUnderflow Interrupt
UFMUnderflow Mask
UIEUser Interrupt Enable
UIXUser InterrupT Executing
UILUser Interrupt Lost
UIPUser Interrupt Pending
UNIX Uniplexed Information and Computing System
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply 
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UTP Unshielded Twisted-Pair
VAC AC (Alternating Current) Voltage
VDC DC (Direct Current) Voltage
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal 
VSDVariable Speed Drive
VSIVoltage Source Inverter
VVVFVariable Voltage Variable Frequency 
DWDouble Word
WAN Wide Area Network
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
WPAWiFi Protected Access
WPAN Wireless Personal Area Networks
XInput (PLC Program Input)
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XOR or EX-ORExclusive OR Gate
XNOR or EX-NORExclusive NOR Gate 

XiongBa industrial control,PLC-Module,Automation,DCS System

Small editor:Panda


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